Merit Marks
Merit Marks & Meeting Minutes
The Chief Commander awards a “merit mark” to a member for substantial effort in personally furthering the interests, programs and objectives of America’s Boating Club. It is by and large the only official recognition a member receives from National for their efforts. And, it’s a metric for National to use that shows Membership involvement too so we want to show them the Duluth Squadron has that involvement. Only one Merit Mark certificate may be awarded per year. After 25 Merit Marks you are eligible for Life Membership and after 50 Merit Marks you are a Governing Board Emeritus.
In order to be recommended for a current-year Merit Mark, list only the hours/activities performed during the current Merit Mark year which runs from October 16th of the previous year through October 15th of the current year.
Request Forms are submitted once per year and active, additional active and family members are eligible for a current-year Merit Mark. Recommendations are based upon contributions within the Merit Mark year and recommendations are gathered for submission to the District Merit Mark Chair so it’s critical the Squadron submit to District 1st week of November.
July 7, 2022 Click Here